EuroCC - RoNCC

Romanian National Competence Center in HPC

The vision of the Romanian National HPC Competence Centre (RoNCC) is to establish a single reference and contact point for academia, industry and public administration. All activities are focused and orchestrated as a single know-how hub, both for academia and industry.


RO NCC and NL NCC offer the opportunity to the entities in the private sector to use high-level infrastructure in order to develop or test their applications and products.

RoNCC Partners


The EuroCC project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101101903. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme and Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Norway, Türkiye, Republic of North Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia


Participate in our National Assessment

Help us understand your needs! We perform an analysis to better identify and assess your needs at different levels in terms of HPC, HPDA and AI in order to provide appropriate services and resources for your activities. If you want to help us in the national assessment of skills, competencies and resources regarding HPC, HPDA and AI, contact us for more details and require login credentials for the RoNCC questionnaire.


Romania National Competence Center

The Romanian HPC National Center – RoNCC established within the EuroCC framework is designed to prioritize support based on: Needs of academic users with large scale allocations; The current industrial usage (SMEs and startups) of HPC and their future HPC and Artificial Intelligence (AI) needs; Needs for training and support to enable a wide range of Romanian users to use the new hardware deployed in pre-exascale systems.


Access to HPC knowledge from European National Competence Centers

This project has received funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 951732. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Germany, Bulgaria, Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Republic of North Macedonia, Iceland and Montenegro

1. Behind EuroCC Access

With funding from the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU), the EuroCC project will achieve its goals within two years. Considering its ambitious aims, the EuroCC project is supported by the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) CASTIEL project in order to bridge the existing High-Performance Computing (HPC) skill gaps and to promote cooperation and the implementation of best practices across Europe.

2. Aims

This website aims to provide a competence map of the National Competence Centers (NCCs) and their HPC-related activities along with a place to grow together by sharing expertise and best practices with other stakeholders. In addition, NCCs will have a space to exchange between themselves for any related topics, such as best practices, guides and collaborations.

3. What is HPC?

High-Performance Computing is the ability to process massive data and perform complex calculations at high speed to solve large problems in science, engineering and of business. A supercomputer is one the best-known types of HPC solutions and enables parallel processing: thousands of computer nodes working together to complete one or more tasks for simulation and calculation; in comparison one should combine thousands of typical computers working together to achieve similar results.

4. What are the NCCs?

A National Competence Center is the reference and single point of contact and coordination on a national level for HPC. Its missions are to analyse, implement and coordinate all necessary activities and offer services to end users to cover their needs: from access to resources, from technological consultancy to the provision of training courses for academia, public administrations and industry.

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European supercomputing infrastructure

"European supercomputing infrastructure represents a strategic resource for the future of EU industry, SMEs and the creation of new jobs. This is also key to ensuring that European scientists reap the full benefits of data-driven science. Europe needs an integrated world-class HPC infrastructure with exascale computing performance. Europe cannot take the risk that data produced by EU research, industry and SMEs will be processed elsewhere because of the lack of supercomputing capabilities. This would increase our dependency on facilities in third countries and would encourage innovation to leave Europe."

Mariya Gabriel
Commissioner for Digital Economy

European HPC centres

"A key challenge is to close the investment gap in Europe and to ensure that businesses, public sector authorities and researchers have equal access to supercomputing facilities and services. In fact, while a third of the global demand for HPC capabilities comes from European industry, SMEs and researchers, currently only 5% of the HPC capabilities are being provided by European HPC centres. In order to close the investment gap, significant investments in infrastructure, access to Big Data, the development of tailor-made complex software solutions, as well as investment in new business development are needed."

Werner Hoyer
President, European Investment Bank

Critical HPC technology

"Europe has all the talent, technical and human-skills to achieve world-leading in the three areas: in the supply of critical HPC technology, in the use of HPC applications, and in the provision of HPC capabilities and services."

Head of Unit - European Commission

“Thanks to the RONCC (Romanian HPC Competence Centre) I have found out about the opportunity of an open call for experiments financed by FF4EuroHPC. The RONCC team has helped us with full support in the process of application for funding and were able to find a HPC partner for this, with the Telecom University of South Paris, in less than a week. The RO-NCC team answered all of our questions and intermediated the discussions with the FF4EuroHPC Project Manager and, with their assistance, we were able to submit a full application and RepsMate was selected on the shortened 68 SMEs list, from the entire Europe, qualified for the final evaluation.”

Alin Roșca
RepsMate Software
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