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Adoption of Council Regulation to Establish New EuroHPC Joint Undertaking

he Economic and Financial Affairs Council has adopted the Council Regulation on establishing the new European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU). This marks the start of the EU and EuroHPC JU’s ability to draw funds from the Horizon Europe, Digital Europe and the Connecting Europe Facility programmes that will, together with the investment of the participating states and the EuroHPC Private Members, be worth around €7 billion. This will be done with a view to Europe becoming a world leader in high-performance computing and quantum computing. The promotion of these two fields is vital, as they are a strategic resource for powering innovative applications to understand and design efficient solutions to address many complex societal, scientific and industrial challenges


Adoption of Council Regulation to Establish New EuroHPC Joint Undertaking

Today the Council adopted a regulation on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC). The regulation paves the way for the development within Europe of the next generation of supercomputers. Today’s decision contributes to the EU’s strategic autonomy and delivery of the European Research Area. The goal is clear: to make Europe a world-leading actor in super computing. It will help tackle global challenges and help ensure the EU's green and digital transitions.



On Monday afternoon, the eyes of all supercomputer fans were literally glued to the announcement of the results of the TOP500 list, which determines the ranking of the most powerful supercomputers in the world. The TOP500 list has been announced since 1993, twice a year – in late June at the ISC International Conference in Germany and in November at the Supercomputing Conference in the USA. Especially tense moments were experienced this year at IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Center in Ostrava, which has sent the Karolina supercomputer to the competition.


Council Regulation

THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 187 and the first paragraph of Article 188 thereof, Having regard to the proposal from the European Commission, Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament ( 1 ), Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee ( 2 ),


Annual Accounts of the European High Performance Computing

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) was established in 2018 (Council Regulation (EU) N° 2018/1488 of 28/09/2018). The Joint Undertaking is the legal entity responsible for the implementation of research and technological development in European High Performance Computing. Between 2018 and the date when financial autonomy was achieved, on 23 September 2020, the EuroHPC JU operated under the auspices of the European Commission (DG CNECT). The Joint Undertaking is located in Luxembourg. On 18 September 2020, the European Commission proposed a new Council Regulation allowing the EuroHPC JU to continue the development of HPC in Europe for the next decade in the context of the newly adopted MFF. Once the Council and Parliament adopt the new regulation, it will replace the Council Regulation (EU) 2018/1488 establishing the EuroHPC JU. Adoption is expected by mid-2021.


European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking

The mission of EuroHPC JU is to develop, deploy, extend and maintain an integrated world class supercomputing and data infrastructure in the Union and to develop and support a highly competitive and innovative High Performance Computing (HPC) ecosystem.

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