The most important operational infrastructure of the Romanian HPC Competence Centre (RO NCC) is ICIPRO platform, hosted by the National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics (ICI Bucharest).
Financed via the Sectoral Operational Program Increase of Economic Competitiveness, "Structural Instruments / SMIS 48594", ICIPRO represents the first consistent initiative related to Cloud Computing for public administration, academia and SMEs in Romania.
ICIPRO computing resources lead to the avoidance of acquiring oversized infrastructures for services that actually end up having limited use;
ICIPRO combines the benefits of the public cloud (on-demand, self-service, scalability), with those usually associated with on-premise environments (governance, predictability, control) and is presented mainly as an infrastructure service - IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).
Among the advantages of using ICIPRO infrastructure are to be mentioned:
The ICIPRO computational resources can be used by several categories of beneficiaries, including:
RONCC facilitates access to external HPC infrastructure provided by:
The portfolio of training programs includes an HPC "Introduction to MPI (Message Passing Interface)" online course, which provides an excellent foundation for learners to develop their knowledge of parallel programming. The course has the following modules:
The course can be downloaded from here.
The technical competences of RONCC include :
RONCC Consultancy Services comprise the following actions:
RONCC facilitates access to HPC infrastructure and training provided by
Dissemination activities:
What we disseminate:
RONCC provides guidance and support for application to funding programs such as: